Fruits & Vegetables in Georgia | Georgia Grown (2025)

Finding local, in-season foods at the peak of flavor may seem like a challenge, but it’s easy with the help of these Georgia Grown farmers.

BlueberriesBlueberries were planted to replace tobacco fields. Today, they're Georgia's No. 1 fruit (even beating the peach).Learn MoreWatermelonsA refreshing, flavor-filled snack loved by kids of all ages (and it's good for you, too).Learn MoreCucumbersThey're great raw and even better pickled. Either way, Georgia cukes are among the nation's best.Learn MoreApplesDid you know the commercial apple industry started here in Georgia? And by a President's cousin, no less.Learn MoreBasilBasil comes in more than 25 varieties, and all of them can be planted throughout the state. Learn MoreBeans – LimaWhether you're eating them Southern Style or skillet-fried, Georgia lima beans have a velvety texture and buttery flavor.Learn MoreBeetsWe're always rooting for our beets because they're not only tasty but also great for you. Learn MoreBlackberriesAn ingredient in cobblers, jams and wine, blackberries are as delicious right off the stem as they are in your favorite recipes. Learn MoreBroccoliBroccoli prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Guess what Georgia has? Both! That's why our broc is the best. Learn MoreCabbageGeorgia's climate allows for cabbage year-round, but peak seasons for this healthy cruciferous vegetable are spring and fall. Learn MoreCantaloupesCantaloupe is one of America's favorite melons. Georgia's climate and well-drained soil produce the best. Learn MoreCarrotsWe recently discovered that carrots grow sweeter in Georgia. That's why the industry has hopped to it ever since. Learn MoreCitrusOrange, tangerine, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat and more. Try Georgia's refreshingly sweet, fresh-picked citrus. Learn MoreCollardsCollard greens are pretty much standard Southern fare. You can find them on almost any dinner table. Learn MoreEggplantAlthough a member of the nightshade family, there's nothing sinister about this delicious delicacy, except maybe its brooding purple color.Learn MoreField PeasGeorgia and field peas go together like two peas in a pod. In fact, they've been grown here since colonial times.Learn MoreGreens – Kale, Turnip, MustardWhile Southerners love their collards, the popularity of kale is on the rise. So we grow both!Learn MoreIrish PotatoesWe bake in the goodness right here in Georgia. Our "Irish" potatoes grow exceptionally well in our nutrient-rich soil.Learn MoreLettuceAmericans eat a lot of lettuce, and Georgia residents are no different. That's why we need to grow more of it. Learn MoreMuscadine GrapesSweet, wild and delicious, they're Georgia's native grape. Muscadine must-haves include jams, sauces and wine.Learn MoreMushroomsAs a locally grown favorite, mushrooms really put a feather in our cap. Enjoy them raw or cooked.Learn MoreOkraWe love okra so much that we grow it in every single Georgia county. It's that good.Learn MorePeaches"As fresh as a Georgia peach" describes anything that's absolutely pristine. But what describes a fresh Georgia peach? Perfection.Learn MorePeanutsMeet Georgia's official state crop. The Peach State provides almost half of the peanuts produced annually in the United States.Learn MorePearsWhether you love your pears European or Asian, both are equally delicious picked fresh here in Georgia. Learn MorePecansPecan trees were planted in Georgia in the early 1900s. Since they can bear fruit for 300 years, that's a lot of pie!Learn MorePeppersWe put the pep in pepper! Red, green, orange or yellow, we're Georgia's most valuable vegetable. Learn MorePersimmonsYou'll be a persimmon person in no time. Never heard of them? Come by and try – they're a sweet fave.Learn MorePumpkinsGeorgia treats Halloween visitors with the best orange pumpkins around. Did you know they come in white, green and blue, too?Learn MoreSatsuma OrangesLoved for their juicy sweetness and easy peel. This slightly tart kissing cousin to the clementine will make you pucker up.Learn MoreSquashThis pumpkin cousin is a delicious addition to many recipes and a great substitute for pasta. Learn MoreStrawberriesWhether you pick your own or buy 'em by the bushel, strawberries are the world's most popular berry. Learn MoreSweet CornOur corn is the sweetest there is and perfect both on and off the cob (and with or without butter).Learn MoreSweet PotatoesThey're autumn's MVP (most valuable potato) – great for pies, casseroles or even baked and enjoyed on their own.Learn MoreTomatoesEveryone thinks they're a veggie, but they're really a fruit – a berry, actually. And they grow really well here.Learn MoreVidalia® OnionsThis mild, sweet onion – exclusive to Georgia – is our official state vegetable.Learn MoreWheatWe love our wheat and you will, too. In fact, it's one of the country's most important winter grain crops. Learn More
Become a MemberIncrease your exposure to potential consumers, suppliers and partners.Learn MoreA Fork in the RoadA journey across Georgia exploring the fertile and diverse landscape of Georgia agriculture and cuisine.Learn More
Fruits & Vegetables in Georgia | Georgia Grown (2025)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.